The iPad is Not Safe Anymore! #


Apple should be careful... The next tablet generation might be coming, they feature 7-inch displays, a fully-skined UI on top of Gingerbread and a very affordable price. You might be saying right now: Of course not! The iPad is a lot better and have more apps than these color touchscreen eReader!

I'm sure of this for a simple reason, these tablets are exactly what a tablet should be. Ask yourself "What I usually do on my tablet?" You might come by this answer: "Reading emails on-the-go, fast/simple web browsing on-the-go, play games and watch/read/listen to some content (eBooks, videos and music)". This is what the biggest part of the tablet owners do every day! Now you understand why I know that the iPad isn't safe anymore?

With a very affordable price, the perfect screen size and everything that the users do everyday on tablets, they are the future of the tablet market. This process has already started and will take some time until people stop thinking that the only tablet available is the iPad.

I'm very excited to get my hands on the Kindle Fire as soon as they ship it here to Brazil or I get one on eBay. What about you? Leave a comment below!

This article was imported from my old blog . Some things may be broken.