5 Apps To Be More Productive On Android #


On this post I'm going to discuss 5 applications for you to be more productive on your Android phone, since the only reason for me to keep using my Galaxy Tab instead of my iPad is because I'm a lot more productive on it.

This is an awesome app and might be known by a lot of people. With it you can take notes and sync them across all kind of devices from Android, iOS, all the other mobile systems (even Windows Mobile) and computers running Linux, Mac OS X or Windows.

Think of it like a big folder with sub-folders where you can put notes, images, audio, video, documents from Microsoft Office, PDFs and you can read or download anywhere don't matter the platform you're running. All you need is internet access.

This awesome app will help you with your daily tasks and will sync them all with the cloud and will keep all your devices synced. The company offers versions for all the big mobile OSes and computers too.

If you're coming from iOS, this is just like Reminders in iOS 5, but you cross-platform, which is great if you have more than one device or have plans to change your platform.

Of course the cloud is the future, today we usually have a computer, a laptop, a tablet, a smartphone, and keep your files organized between them all can be a very difficult task. That's why Dropbox was created.

With this awesome tool you can sync files between all your devices. For example you can start writing a document for a presentation at your computer, while in the traffic you pick up your tablet and finish it there, while on a coffee shop you realize that a some images will be great and you pick up your phone Google a good image and insert it into your document and after all the latest version will be always available on every device you want.

If you just want to keep simple files in sync you can stay with the basic plan which is free, but if you want more space they offer 3 options: 50GB for $9.99/month, 100GB for $19.99/month and a team plan that can be customized to fit your needs.

If you're that type of person that can't live without your RSS feeds from Google Reader this is really the app for you. With a very well-designed UI and a great user experience to browse your news I can say for sure that this is the best RSS reading app available for Android.

With it you can separate your RSS feeds by categories and each one will have a tab/page to keep everything more organized. The thumbnail view and the scrolling is great to browse your feeds.

You can link your Google Reader account with it to get all your feeds, but you can browse their great selection of RSS feeds and find something new that you might like. You can also link your social network accounts and get a feed of the activity from them.

Opera Mobile
As many might know, the stock Android browser isn't the best one on Android, some users love Dolphin HD, but for me Opera Mobile is the best one, maybe because I was a hardcore Windows Mobile user before my move to Android.

If an awesome UI and a full web experience and no big problems you can browse the web in style on your Android device now. It also includes the Opera cloud system that lets you sync bookmarks and settings between your devices and you computer.

If you want more suggestions of apps on other categories leave a comment below, also include suggestions, opinions or rants.

This article was imported from my old blog . Some things may be broken.