5 Android Apps For Old Twitter App Lovers #


Since the latest Twitter update (#letsfly), which tried to integrate the web apps and the mobile apps, but was a bit of a failure since they are aiming at the wrong direction. A great example of this is introducing the "Discover" tab (which was mislabeled, the correct label was "Ignore") and placing the Direct Messages in a bit of an obscure place in the middle of all the stuff on the "Me" tab. But the update wasn't all bad... The "Connect" tab is great, I can have all the mentions, retweets and follows on a single and organized place. Anyhow if you put everything into perspective it was a step back for Twitter.

After this update a lot of people got really worried (like me) and started looking for alternatives to the official client. On iOS I've choose Tweetbot which is the best app you can get on ANY mobile platform, even before the update it was better than the old app. But on Android there are a lot of Twitter clients available which makes it difficult to get the better one. To help you choose I searched and selected the best ones that can fit into different kinds of personality and tastes for Twitter clients.

Twigee Twigee
This simple app has a lot of great features, a clean UI and shortcuts to actions like Reply, Retweet and Favorite. The app uses a very nice tabbed browsing that looks like the Android home screens. You don't have a TabBar, but an indicator of which "screen" you're in. The UI is in my opinion the best for a Twitter app on Android. The app widget to place on your home screen is great too. In my opinion this is a great app and it deserves more attention for sure.

Plume Plume
If you're a long time Android user I'm sure you've already heard or used this client. It has a interesting UI, but it feels a bit disorganized, with all those colors and stripes everywhere, for me. The UX of this app is pretty good, a lot of shortcuts and it look and feels a lot like the old Twitter client for iOS (the most awesome official mobile Twitter client). It has a great selection of widgets to place on your home screen and have a more customized experience. If you have an Android tablet this is the app for you, which is one of the few apps (in all the categories) that is optimized for tablets.

Tweetdeck Tweetdeck
If you're a Windows user (and maybe a Linux user) you use/used this app on your desktop. The best way to describe this app is: It's just the desktop version changed a little to fit into a mobile screen. Personally I don't like this app because it's just a little version of the desktop app, there are almost no shortcuts and it's almost all about clicking some times to do simple things like retweet or reply, there are no shortcuts like swipe left or right to do actions, you need to click the tweet and it will take you to the single-tweet view and there will be buttons to do the simple actions, which I think isn't a smart thing. Anyhow I know a lot of people that love this app on Android and have their arguments to defend it.

twicaa twicca
This app was made for clean and simple UI fans, it almost has a metro-style of UI. You have the options for white and black background, which is a great deal for a lot of people that like to have the choose for a dark-style because it's cool or just because you're reading at night. The point of this app is focused on the clean UI and how you feel really happy with the simplicity that the app has. After using it for 2 weeks i really loved the UI and it's great to "just read" your tweets after the breakfast when you browse the tweets you missed while you was sleeping.

Seesmic Seesmic
If you loved the old official Twitter client for Android UI you are going to love this app, since it looks a lot like it. There is a great selection of widgets and shortcuts to make your life easier while browsing your tweets. The "attached files" feature is awesome, which gives you a thumbnail of a photo that has it's link on a tweet and things like this, just like Echofon on a Mac. This is my client of choice and after using it for almost 1 month on my Galax Tab I can't be more satisfied.

What's your twitter client of choice on Android? Leave a comment below with your opinion.

This article was imported from my old blog . Some things may be broken.