It's Not The End For SOPA, It's Just The Beginning Of a New Era #


You might think that the SOPA blackout was considered a success because it was withdrawn by its chief sponsor in Jan 20. If you do think you're terribly wrong. SOPA and PIPA are just the beginning of a major worldwide project against the internet and free speech. I know this sounds a bit conspiratory but it's not, let me explain.

A great example of this is ACTA which is SOPA but a lot worst, and it's being negotiated in secret by people that should be representing you. I'm not from the US or Europe but I know that bills like this will affect me, and not just that, the chances that this internet censorship bills get implemented in developing countries before the US or Europe because it's easier to pass bills here.

You should not let this happen! Governments and the entertainment industry will continue to push this kind of crap to censor the internet for now on and we need to fight against it or the internet will never be the same.

If you want to learn more about SOPA, ACTA and how this bills are or how they might be implemented on developing countries I suggest you to read these Wikipedia articles:

This article was imported from my old blog . Some things may be broken.