HP Enyo Has Joined The Movement #


For those that don't know what Enyo is, here's their description at the official project site enyojs.com:

Enyo is an open source object-oriented JavaScript framework emphasizing encapsulation and modularity. Enyo contains everything you need to create a fast, scalable mobile or web application. At the heart of Enyo is a simple but powerful encapsulation model, which helps you factor application functionality into self-contained building blocks that are easy to reuse and maintain.

If you remember WebOS the tool used to create the apps was Enyo. It was a awesome library and my dream was to have it for creating apps for other platforms, and now this dream has become true. When I first saw Enyo I thought "This is the future of mobile and web app development". Some of my friends say that Enyo is just another jQuery-like framework for Javascript, but it's not.

Enyo is not just another jQuery-like framework, it's much bigger. I've been using jQuery for about 2 years and almost the only things I use it for are: UI behaviors (like fade, removing, menus…) and simple AJAX. Sometimes I use a plugin like jFeed for handling RSS, but that's all. Enyo is a complete framework from UI to AJAX to events, it's almost a new language, you don't even need to code HTML and style with CSS, just do it all using Enyo, like if you were using Sencha.

The announcement that Enyo was going open-source and working on desktops and mobile was great, but we'll need to wait until the awesome UI widgets we saw on the Touchpad come to open-source. Looks like it will be very fast and we won't need to wait a lot. According to the Enyo web site FAQ:

When are the UI widgets coming to Enyo 2?

It is the very next thing we are working on, and we hope to have it out in about a month. We'll update you with regular builds as work progresses, now that Enyo is an open source project.

I think this will change the way we develop apps for mobile once again. I'm already learning more about it so I can get rid of jQuery on my future Phonegap projects. What's your opinion about it?

This article was imported from my old blog . Some things may be broken.